Patrick Stochmal is an interdisciplinary artist based in T'karonto (Toronto), Ontario working primarily through sculpture and performance to explore the intersections of ontology, queerness, ecology and the sciences. Stochmal has a BFA in Sculpture and Installation with a minor in Integrated Media from OCAD University (2024). 
Stochmal's work has been shown in exhibitions within and outside of OCAD University, including in the Ada Slaight Gallery (2019) and Ignite Gallery (2022) as well as Ed Video Media Arts Centre (2024) and Spacemaker II (2024). He was a summer resident at the School of Visual Art's Interdisciplinary Practices in Bio Art program (2023), where he acquired hands-on laboratory experience in SVA's BSL-1 lab. 

Employing open-ended processes of contamination, growth and deterioration, my work takes the form of collaborative engagements with non-human entities to consider expanded notions of kinship, queer forms of intimacy and the politics of embodiment. Staging leaky encounters between the human and non-human, I investigate moments of their categorical coalescence and structural instability to challenge human-centric perspectives of the world and existing social orders. I examine and explore the charged relations between, within and amongst bodies not limited to the human, thinking through the hidden intimacies and exchanges interwoven within the rhythms of the everyday. 
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